We are pleased to announce the launch of our SmithCarey ‘Category Training Academy’ and ‘Category Consultative Service’.
Offering our clients FMCG heavyweight expertise and support in both ‘resourcing the gaps’ as well as provide ‘Category, Shopper and Insight’ Training and Coaching for you and your team.
So ask yourself…
- Are you challenging you customers with hard hitting category, shopper insights?
- Are you looking for help to lead a Category review or strategy project?
- Are you struggling with short term resource gaps and team over stretched?
- Live client issues and opportunities where you need an experienced set of hands?
- The need to Train and develop Category skills and approach across the business?
Our team of experienced Consultants, Trainers and Interim managers are on hand to support your needs. From senior category experts with many years of blue-chip leadership experience to skilled analysts and insight specialists, SmithCarey can provide the resource you need when you need it.
Call now to discuss your needs with Colin Billing at SmithCarey on 01488 649 360 Or Email Paul@smithcarey.co.uk
Transforming Commercial Capabilities.